Have you ever wondered why play is important?
And not just for kids, but adults, too?
When’s the last time you took time out of your day just to PLAY?
That’s what I thought!
As hard-working, ever-so-productive, responsible adults, most of us have slipped into the default mindset that play is for kids.
Many adults I know believe, ”the harder I work, the more successful I’ll be.”
Are you one of them?
Are you willing to test that assumption?
Take a little challenge?
Okay, great! (If you said no, I’m simply choosing to ignore you!)
I’ve created a go-to list.
- Download it.
- Print it out.
- Circle the ones that resonate and light you up.
- Add your ideas to the list.
- Make copies.
- And then at least once a day… GO PLAY!
Then tell all the other overworked, overwhelmed, and over-stressed adults in your life that need a reminder to play to grab a copy for themselves!
You may be most delighted to discover that when the creative, child-like part of you is being welcomed and celebrated, your levels of productivity and what you’re able to accomplish are greater than you ever imagined!
Everyone has different forms of play and what feels fun and relaxing to them.
Give yourself permission to find out!
Play is not just for children and the benefits for adults are numerous and real.
Reduced stress, increased creativity, sharper thinking, more energy, greater happiness, increased patience…
So what are you waiting for?
For many of us, we’ve simply forgotten how to let loose, have fun, and allow ourselves to play?
No problem.
Do You Need Some Help?
Everyone has different forms of play and what feels fun and relaxing to them.
So there is no right or wrong way to play!
It’s just great that you understand why play is important and make time to do so!
So be sure to pick up my FREE 52 Ways to Take a Break Guide!
It offers a whole list of things you can do when you’re ready to PLAY!

Hang the list up where you’ll see it throughout your day and remember to make the time to play!
Start with small chunks of time at first and ease into it.
And then just notice.
Are you feeling less stressed?
More creative?
Happier and more patient with your loved ones?
More energetic?
I can’t wait to hear!
Have fun and please report back!
The more people we get playing in this world, the happier we all will be!
I’ve recently spent some time playing on my Speaking Page.
I updated it into a format that feels much more fun and inviting, and put everything all on one page.
In fact, when I shared it with hubby, he said, “Wow, you’ve been on all those shows?”
Exactly the response I was hoping for!
What do you think?
I can’t wait to hear!