Why Do I Feel Stuck in Life?

Have you ever stopped to wonder what’s holding you back and ask yourself the question, “Why do I feel stuck in life?”

an open door representing the way to move forward when I feel stuck in life
Photo thanks to Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash

The other day it was so beautiful outside that I pushed my computer aside and called it done for the day.

“Done,” I announced, only to be heard by Georgie Girl resting in her usual place at my feet.

As I strode from my office through the kitchen, the new novel I was reading caught my eye. I was tempted to go sit out back in the Adirondack chair, but I was excited to move my body and instead of reading, decided to change into work clothes and head outside to tackle some spring clean up.

But just a few minutes later, as I stood at the back door in my work pants and tall rubber boots an old familiar feeling crept in. I heard that uncertain, wavering voice in my head say, “I don’t know where to start.”

I glanced back at my book on the counter.


The moment reminded me of trying to find my way when Andie was in the NICU. Or as a brand new Mom after Tuck’s arrival. Times I felt uncertain and overwhelmed, and longed for someone to tell me what to do.

Still standing at the back door, I remembered a walk with newborn Tuck. I’d met a kind and caring older neighbor who shared a few of her best parenting words of wisdom, and I walked away with a little more certainty in my step. Then I thought of the NICU nurse who stopped everything she was doing in order to “teach me the ropes” and unveil some of the mystery of that hospital floor full of tiny babies and beeping machines.

In that quiet moment back in my kitchen standing at the back door, I remembered the words of my dear friend who lives down the road and has beautiful gardens in her yard. “Every spring I start by simply walking around the yard and gathering up fallen sticks.”

There it was. Simple guidance and a place for me to start.

That’s often all we really need, in those moments, right? Gentle guidance to help us take that first step when we hear that voice again asking, Why do I feel stuck in life?

So off I went, out the back door to take my first steps and simply begin collecting sticks.


…my friend doesn’t have a big Bernese Mountain dog helper, who also happens to be a stick collector!!!



So what about you?

Are there areas of your life where you feel stuck? Places where you’re reluctant and uncertain to take that first step?

In the loving words of Mr. Rogers, “Look for the helpers.”

You don’t have to walk these paths alone.

In nearly all circumstances, others have walked the path before you and there’s no need for you to reinvent the wheel. When you’re uncertain where to begin, how to take that first step, look for, ask for, and allow yourself to receive guidance in order to take that first step.

Then another.

And another.

Who knows where those steps may lead!

Had to share this most humbling and wonderful recent client testimonial…

“At this moment I am someone who doesn’t recognize who they were six months ago before I started working with Kasey! I was a person with dreams and desires but no goals. I knew I was meant for “more” but wasn’t sure what “more” was, or how to get there. It was all so vague, blurry and overwhelming. Initially I was trying to solve “the next step”, what it was and how I was going to get there. What it turned into was addressing problems with my mindset, limiting beliefs, self-talk and the story I had clung on to for decades too long. Before connecting with Kasey I couldn’t even articulate what it was that I actually needed…. I just knew that I needed help. My experience with Kasey was MAGICAL! Why? Because every day I’d have a moment of self-realization of the growth that has happened. Kasey provided an opportunity for me to dive deep below the surface to really unearth some dusty old beliefs I had created when I was much younger. Without cleaning up my beliefs, regardless of how much work I did to move forward, like a NASCAR race, I would keep coming back to the same place, over, and over, and over again…”

Read the rest of the testimonial, and many others, here – Testimonials 

If you’ve ever thought about working with a Transformational Life Coach and would like to know more please schedule a Free Discovery Session. 

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