Ever since Tucker left for his Gap year in England, I’d been counting down the days till our visit. In anticipation, I either wrote down, or said the following Intention out loud every day:
“I am so delighted that our trip to England to visit Tucker was Magical and full of Ease and Joy.”
Keep in mind, if you have an upcoming event, whether it be travel, a party, a meeting, even a trip to the grocery store(!!) – Set your Intention ahead of time to ensure success!
Use the words, I am and create your intention as if the event has already happened.
For example: I am so happy that my meeting went so well. I am thrilled that our party was so joyous and easy to host. I am so excited that my daughter landed the part in the musical. You get the picture!
And remember, Writing down your intention makes it even more powerful!
I am so delighted to report that we returned home last week, and although sad to once again say goodbye to our boy (man!!), as you’ll see from the photos, our journey was everything (and more) that we intended – including a room upgrade with a Magical view of the Thames!
Your turn!
Make it a practice to Set your Intentions and allow your Magic to arrive!