Setting the Tone

photo credit – David Mao on unsplash

What’s the first thing you do in the morning?

Do you grab your phone and see what text messages and emails arrived overnight?

Do you flip on the tv and start your day with a dose of morning news?

Do you jump out of bed and go from 0-60 to start the daily race of taking care of everyone else?

No judgement, truly. Just asking you to invite in some awareness.

One of my coaching clients shared the most beautiful moments with me the other day. She recognized that she had fallen in the habit of waking each day and immediately grabbing her phone, followed by turning on the tv and dosing herself with the morning news. Looking to create new habits that set a more positive tone for the day, she began waking a little earlier and beginning each day with a quiet meditation. She reports that it has totally changed how she feels throughout the rest of her day. And here’s the ever so beautiful part. She noticed that her pre-teen daughter was waking up crabby and out of sorts nearly every day, so rather than playing her meditation alone in her bedroom, my ever-so-wise client, now goes into her daughter’s room every morning and lies on her floor and plays her meditation there. She says that it has completely changed the tone of their mornings and her daughter leaves for school happy and centered. How gorgeous is that?

Now I know many of you say, but I don’t even know how to meditate. Really? Do you know how to sit on a chair? Or lie on the bed or the floor? Of course you do! Really, that’s it. Just give yourself a few moments of stillness. And if you like, play a piece of music that soothes your soul, or choose one of the many amazing free meditations from this great app – Insight Timer

Remember, you get to choose how you begin each and every day. Start to notice your habitual behaviors and decide whether those habits are serving you. And if not, make a shift. You may be amazed to find that these simple change can have profound effects on your life.

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