Not Feeling the Magic?

Hey Friend ~

Reality is, some days, it’s pretty hard to find the Magic, right?

Even with all of my habits and systems and positive ways, there are just those days.

Maybe I didn’t sleep well. My back is sore. I can’t stop thinking about world events – especially when my daughter is traveling in the midst of them!

So what do I do on those days when I’m just not feeling the magic?



I write.

I let the page hold all that I’m carrying.

And as the words find their way to the page, I feel space open within and my breath return.

Sometimes all it takes is making a list…

I’m afraid…

I want…

I need…

I wish…

I keep writing until I let out a big exhale and know I’ve hit a reset button, and I’m moving back to center.

Then I make myself a cup of tea and turn, as I do everyday, to my Magical Living Daily Planner, where I deliberately and intentionally allow myself to move forward with my day. (Is it time to dust yours off?)

And maybe Magic will show up after all.

If she does, I’m open to whatever she has in store for me.

​What about you? How do you hit the reset button when you’re having one of ​those days?

I’d love to hear!

Love and Blessings,


P.S. I have two coaching spots that just opened up! If you’re ready to live a life full of ease, joy and purpose, we should talk. A limited number of complimentary discovery sessions were just added to the February calendar. If you’re interested, grab yours today!