Last week, it became official – I’ve been at this blog business for an entire year! I’ve certainly had a lot to learn and still find myself marveling at the wonders of this new virtual world!
Case in point, my participation in the Virtual Book Tour of Author, Maureen Simon!
Maureen is the author of Awakening The Essential Feminine Claiming Your Influential Power ~ For women who know that their feminine gifts are needed now and for women who want to know more! Maureen’s book holds a missing piece for women’s empowerment as it identifies 9 areas of life and 26 attributes that women are predisposed too based on our brain biology and socialization.
Maureen Simon is the founder of The Essential Feminine Company™ (TEF). A lifestyle and business design company that supports women through the process of creating successful powerful lives that incorporates their uniquely feminine attributes and gifts. Her company provides learning environments and products that assist women in claiming, living and leading with their natural strengths and talents.
Today we visit Maureen’s beautiful Northern California garden for a Video on Conscious Choice Maureen shares her thoughts on the power of living authentically.
As a gift to you Maureen would like to personally invite you to join in her complimentary monthly living room holiday teleseminar, Wednesday December 21st – Maureen’s monthly live living room events are for women who want to look more closely at key issues that affect their day-to-day success, happiness and overall well-being in a highly supportive environment…The Essential Feminine Living Room is a global networking community that meets virtually on the 4th Wednesday of each month.
Maureen’s special guest in December is Alyssa Aubrey the Founder and Program Director of Medicine Horse Ranch, an experiential learning center incorporating horses in human self-development. Her entrepreneurial spirit invites others to engage life ‘on purpose’ and inspires a deeply connected reach towards authentic expression and contribution. Alyssa considers her EGL program horses to be partners, healers, teachers and guides in this powerful, cutting edge process leading people to greater self-awareness and personal growth.
Sign up for Maureen’s free gift here.
The second to the last day of the tour makes another fun stop at The Organic Blonde.
Be sure to visit Jacqueline Rizk’s website, The Organic Blonde, to read an excerpt from Maureen’s book about communication.
After several years of battling inexplicable fatigue, hormonal disturbances, skin allergies and other health issues that were just not normal for someone her age, Jacqueline decided she was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired all the time.
She became passionate about what went into her body, and what she used on her skin and in her home, even what she fed her darling pets. She wanted to take her passion to the streets. The Organic Blonde is that passion!
Visit Maureen’s blog Women Influencing Now for full virtual book tour details and a list of all the wonderful virtual book tour hosts. Each host has something special to share with you. It may be an interview, podcast, video or excerpt from Maureen’s book.
What does Authentic living look like and feel like to you? Please leave a comment and let us know!