Awaken Your Magic

Every day I consciously look for moments of magic in the midst of my often busy, sometimes crazy days. I hope my moments inspire you to look for your own…

Kasey Mathews

woman with head out care window driving down smooth road after changes

Overcoming the Challenge of Change

It’s inevitable. As we move through life we encounter change. Yet there is a simple key to overcoming the challenge of change and not becoming resistant and falling victim to the changes. A Story to Illustrate Recently I was sitting in traffic in a spot where the roads have been under construction, aka in the … Continue Reading

a cool van on a road trip my dream car!

Do Thoughts Create Reality?

If I had to choose one single lesson to convey from my Transformational Life Coaching practice, it would be in response to the question “Do Thoughts Create Reality?” My one simple answer is an unequivocal Yes. Your thoughts really do create your reality! Here is a recent story in my own personal life that illustrates … Continue Reading

look back on self when someone bothers you

What To Do When Someone Bothers You

Are you ready to learn what to do when someone bothers you? Are you tired of just sticking your head in the sand and hoping that person will drop out of your life? Then I have a simple tool to help you deal when someone is bothering you. Ask yourself this: Is there someone in … Continue Reading

a tired woman feeling her feelings

Feel What You’re Feeling

What would happen if you gave yourself permission to feel what you’re feeling? Well I’m giving myself permission, and I’m just going to say it… I’m tired. Are you? I was so excited to get “back to normal” – head to the gym for classes, meet friends for coffee, attend an in-person workshop – but … Continue Reading

a woman enjoying quiet and centering time

I’m so Busy

Lately, whenever I ask folks how they doing, the standard answer seems to be, I’m so Busy. Yup. It’s that time of year. But I believe in the midst of our busyness, we can find moments to center and get quiet. How can we find moments in the midst of the busyness to center and … Continue Reading

a woman waking up with positive attitude

How to Start Your Day with Positive Attitude

Do you want to know how start your day with positive attitude? It may not be as difficult as you think! Only a few simple and easy changes may be all it takes! Because how you show up matters, right? Where to Start Your Day with Positive Attitude First of all, have you thought much … Continue Reading

taking a series of small steps which lead to big changes

Small Habits Big Changes

Many people believe that in order to change their life, they have to take a huge leap. But that’s not true! Instead, the secret formula is Small Habits Big Changes! As a Transformational Life Coach, I know for sure it’s simple, small habits that lead to big changes So, here is an invitation… …an invitation … Continue Reading

shift your mindset for a happy family gathering

How to Shift Your Mindset

Are you ready to shift your mindset and inspire others to do the same? In a recent session with one of my Transformational Life Coaching Clients, the subject of family get-togethers came up. She began talking about her family and offhandedly made the comment “Yeah, whenever my whole family gets together, it’s a total shit … Continue Reading

a woman in a field of flowers overcoming feelings of vulnerability

Feeling Vulnerable?

What to do when you’re feeling vulnerable? For a lot of us, feeling vulnerable can stop us in our tracks. But we don’t want to let that happen if we intend to live our best life, right? My trick is that I try to get to the source of why I’m feeling vulnerable. Here’s what … Continue Reading

a woman after working with a transformational life coach

Is a Life Coach Worth It?

If you’re trying to decide if a life coach is worth it, perhaps this story from one of my recent client’s will help you decide!!! Why I Chose to Work with a Life Coach My entire life, I’ve been pivoting and changing from one thing to another. When I started my business, I lacked any … Continue Reading

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