Awaken Your Magic

Every day I consciously look for moments of magic in the midst of my often busy, sometimes crazy days. I hope my moments inspire you to look for your own…

Year: 2014


In Honor of National Parent’s of Preemies Day…

10 Lessons on Having a Preemie by Kasey Mathews 1.) You didn’t do anything wrong.  It is completely normal to feel guilty, ashamed and terribly afraid after giving birth to a preemie, but It Is Not Your Fault. You might never know Why your baby arrived early and sometimes you have to let go of the Why in order to move forward. 2.) … Continue Reading



“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” Oscar Wilde


Exciting News!

Hello Dearest Friends! I have exciting news to share and deepest thanks to extend! Preemie won New Hampshire’s 2013/2014 Reader’s Choice Award for Outstanding Work of NonFiction! Here’s the photo to prove it! There were many wonderful books up for the nomination, and it felt like a real long shot, but you, dear readers, did … Continue Reading


A Daily Reminder

With the return of light, I feel my creative energy awakening, and look forward to spending more time over here with you. This has been my daily message to myself in this new year and one I hope you’ll consider adopting for yourself… May your days be full of love and light. With blessings, Kasey

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