

Dear to My Heart

I met Shonda Clements earlier this year. This was the Facebook message she sent me. “I finished reading your book today. It’s the first thing I’ve been able to focus on since early February when we received a diagnosis that threatened our daughter’s life. I’ve documented a lot of our journey on a blog (—in … Continue Reading


Birds, Trees, and Memories

I just took our tree down this morning! It was so beautiful and up until now, had barely lost a needle. I felt like it was a special bonus for all the organizing I had done. This year I’d purchased the tree from our favorite local farm stand. “They’re all grown right here in New … Continue Reading


Word of the Year

Since mid-December, when It came to my attention that some people are in the habit of choosing a “Word of the Year,” I’ve been pondering mine. I had a whole list of contenders—organize, inspire, simplify, balance, joy, serenity, pleasure, transformation, clarity, all close, but none sent that tingle down my spine confirming I’d found “The … Continue Reading


A New Year

I just returned from a glorious snowshoe with my dear friend, Eleanor. What a wonderful way to begin the New Year. For days now I’ve been thinking about this coming year and what I hope it will bring.  I’m not one for making resolutions, but I do like setting intentions.  One thing I know for … Continue Reading