a smiling woman after she changed her mindset with 2 simple words

2 Simple Words to Change Your Mindset

I am so excited to share 2 simple words to change your mindset!

These “mindset changing” words came from a little moment of magic that happened in my world! I thought you may find it inspiring, too!

It happened a few months ago. I was on the phone with a dear friend and chronicling all the upcoming travel on my calendar.

Chronicling all my Travel

In March, we have to go to Spain to see our daughter, who’s on a semester abroad.

Then… we have to go to Vermont to ski with my sister.

Then…I have to go to Montreal with my hubby.

And then…we have to go to Florida to see our son who started a new job down there.

As wonderful as all the travel opportunities were, I was feeling uncertainty, overwhelm and dread about the amount of time away from home and how much prep work and arranging had to be done.

Clearly I needed to change my mindset, but I didn’t know how.

After chronicling all the upcoming travel plans and my accompanying angst, my friend offered a brilliant suggestion.

“What if,” she said, “rather than saying you ‘have to’ go you said you ‘get to’ go?

I held my phone in my hand, momentarily speechless.

Those two magic words!

Get to?

The shift was nearly instantaneous, and I thanked my friend profusely for sharing her brilliance!

I had shifted from the mindset of obligation and burden to one of opportunity and choice!

And all it took was changing 2 simple words from Have to…

to…Get to…

Right away I saw how this simple turn of phrase could easily be applied into my ordinary, everyday life, and of course, yours too!

Ways to use the 2 simple words to change your mindset –

Think of all the day to day things you do just kind of going through the motions, or perhaps, even dreading. All your “have tos’.

Now, make a shift!

Here are a few of my examples, but I encourage you to come up with your own!

I have to work out… I get to work out.

I have to go grocery shopping…I get to go grocery shopping.

I have to go to the doctor…I get to go to the doctor.

I have to                         I get to                              

Can you feel the difference the shift of those 2 simple words can make?

When you say you “have to ” do something, it creates a sense of resistance. Yet, when you reframe it as something you “get to” do, you’re shifting into the mindset of gratitude and appreciation.

This small but powerful shift in perspective led me to have a much more positive attitude, not just on all our travels – which by the way, were wonderful, easy and relaxing – but also on the small and simple moments that transpire throughout the day.

It’s a wonderful reminder to be grateful for the opportunities and experiences you have rather than taking them for granted.

a smiling woman after she changed her mindset with 2 simple words

What do you think?

Ready to give it a try?

Go ahead, play with it!

And keep me posted. I’d love to hear your thoughts, feedback and perhaps any insights of your own.

You can contact me directly at kasey@kaseymathews.com or find me over on Facebook and  Instagram

Did you find this post inspiring? Well there’s plenty more where that came from on my Awaken Your Magic Blog!