Benefits of Being Outdoors

Are there really Benefits of Being Outdoors?

Read on and find out the answer is YES!

Ok, are you feeling the stirrings of spring, yet?

I was shocked last night to look outside at 5:00 pm and see it was still light here in New Hampshire.

I’m hearing the birds singing in the early mornings, and seeing more people out walking these days, too. Could it be we’re slowly emerging from hibernation?

What about you? Are you feeling the urge to move? To get outside more?

Need a little nudge?

How about this?

I recently came across a concept I fell so in love with, I couldn’t wait to tell you all about it!

It’s called “Shinrin-Yoku” a Japanese term, translated as Forest Bathing.

The activity was originally intended as a simple walk through the forest listening to nature, enjoying the scents of the trees and beauty of the surroundings.

Yet it turns out, researchers discovered that forest bathing has far greater health benefits. Trees and plants emit wood essential oils, or phytoncides, designed to protect themselves from bugs and disease, and it’s believed that humans benefit from this protection as well!

How cool is that?

I take Georgie Girl for a walk in the woods every day – my walking meditation, as I call it, yet I had no idea the extent of the health benefits I was gaining by simply being out in nature, in the midst of the trees. My kind of therapy.

Inspired to enjoy the benefits of being outdoors?

Even if you’re in a city far from nature, there must be a tree or two somewhere that you can make friends with!

Go on! Get out there, and take a bath!

Bathe your body, mind and soul…

and enjoy the Magic of the Trees!

a beautiful photo of trees showing the health benefits of getting outside in nature

Photo by Michael Krahn on Unsplash

If you’re looking for more health benefits and ways you can benefit from the outdoors, this post on Relieving Anxiety Naturally may be of interest.

An Interview I Simply Adored

Last fall, I was introduced to a photographer who is fascinated by the question “How do you want to be seen?” That’s the question she asks each client before a photo shoot, and the question she poses to those she invites onto her podcast.

I had the honor of sitting with Lisa Arnold and recording this podcast interview in which I answer that exact question. We talked about that and so much more, and it’s absolutely become one of my favorite interviews. There’s something mesmerizing and magical about the way Lisa asks thoughtful and engaging questions. She had me under her spell, as you’ll hear when you listen.

Listen HERE or wherever you get your podcasts.


Finally, there was this!

To say my heart was singing would be an understatement!

Watch the quick video to see what I’m talking about!

Sweet Preemie Story



How to Feel Better Now

Are You Ready to Feel Better Now?

Feel Better now with a nap or book

Photo credit thanks to Sincerely Media on Unsplash

When our daughter was little, there were times when she was so out of sorts, I felt helpless in helping her.

One day, I opened up to a friend and shared this with her. In return, she offered the suggestion of asking our girl the simple question – What do you need?

That question became my magical go-to.

I remember the numerous times I knelt down, put my hands on her bony shoulders, and asked her, What do you need?

Often, she didn’t know, but the fact that I cared to ask and listen, seemed to be exactly what she needed.

I offer this to you today, because so often many of us find ourselves in times of uncertainty and feeling out of sorts.

This is an opportunity to ask ourselves this very question– What do I need?

And in response, just listen.

Let your voice from within tell you what you need.

Maybe you’ll hear:



A bath.

A good cry.

A long walk.

A cup of tea with a friend.

A turkey sandwich with lots of cranberry.

A romantic comedy.

Delicious takeout from my favorite restaurant.

A pillow to punch and get out my frustrations.

Are You Ready to Feel Better Now?

Ready to ask yourself that magical question?

Go ahead. It’s your turn.

Ask yourself – What do I need?

Write down the first things you just heard and then get ready to feel better now.

Sometimes we question what emerges on that list, but trust yourself and just listen and write. Often the answers are a bit surprising, but our body, mind and spirit has so much wisdom. When we want to feel better now, sometimes we just need to get out of our own way and let that happen! So, what do you need?

If this post resonates with you, you’ll probably love this one! The Story I’m Telling Myself Is…

Magical Moment: Bad News?

I’ve been hearing from many of you lately that you’re feeling pretty tired.

Tired of isolation.

Tired of disruption.

Tired of bad news.

Tired of uncertainty.

Tired of… You fill the blank.

Yes, it’s a lot. And it’s exhausting… If we let it be.

Because in the midst of adversity there is opportunity. Opportunity to remind ourselves that we have choice.

The question is ~ Where does that choice exist?

We may not have the choice to go to work every day, or look for a new job, or fix our children breakfast and pack their lunches and get them ready for whatever version of school is happening that day, but we do have choice in the moments in between.

Are you taking time each day to move your body? I’m not talking an intense workout program (unless that’s your thing). How about a walk just a few doors down? Or simply standing on the front porch and allowing the sun to shine on your cheeks?

Are you choosing to fill a water glass or bottle and keep yourself hydrated throughout the day?

How about choosing to go to bed a little bit earlier so your tired body gets more of the sleep it needs?

Or wake up a few minutes earlier in the morning and sit in quiet meditation?

Where else can you find choice in your life?

Photo Credit: Debby Hudson @ Unsplash

I recently discovered a meditation that became a way to bring more light into the darkness I was experiencing. The recording addressed the fact that most of us are so focused on the bad news and negativity were hearing, we overlook all the positive that exists in our lives.

It takes but a few moments to remember all that is good, but the impact of the practice is profound. By remembering all that we love, and speaking those words out loud or writing them down or sharing them with a friend, we choose to let in the light and shift our perspective, which ultimately has a positive effect on the rest of the world.

What do you think? Are you willing to try?

I invite you to allow in a bit of light to shine in on those dark places.

Listen here ~​


I love…

…the sound of a pencil moving across the page

…the coconut cream foam on top of my morning coffee

…the play of light on Georgie’s whiskers in the afternoon sun

…our kitty Lulu curled up on the end of Andie’s bed

…the moss on the big rock just inside the woods

…the fall leaves changing color

What do YOU love?

I can’t wait to hear?



Magical Moment: Managing Fear

As we all know, there is a lot of fear and uncertainty swirling around in the world right now.

It’s hard not to get swept up in the constant and ever-changing news reports.

I’ve really felt the impact lately, especially with our girl out on her gap year travels.

Yet, I always strive to show up as my best self and inspire others to do the same, and can’t do that if I’m full of fear and anxiety.

So it became apparent that I needed to make some changes in how I was moving through my days.

First of all, news alerts were constantly arriving in my inbox and every one was like a jolt of electricity to my nervous system. But guess who’d signed up to receive those alerts? Me. So I made the choice to unsubscribe. Don’t get me wrong, I’m staying informed, but now it’s on my terms. I choose to read the news when I’m ready. And that means I’m in a strong and centered frame of mind.

I’ve also chosen to stop watching television news. Watching meant I didn’t know what was going to come at me, and once again, leave me full of fear. Just another form of media where control was out of my hands.

In this newly aware state, I also noticed that long ago I’d set the New York Times as my browser homepage. They do an amazing job getting to the essence of a story, but every time I opened my computer, whether I chose to or not, I’d get glimpses of people in masks and hazmat suits and my hands would shake and my heart would race. Now I have my favorite home decorating website as my homepage setting, and I can switch over to news sites when I choose to do so.

I also remembered to breathe. To take those deep full breaths throughout the day that get me out of my head and back in my body. Plus, I take the time every morning to fill out my Magical Living Daily Planner which includes time to move my body, sit in stillness and drink lots of water.

Finally, I remind myself that we live in an uncertain world, and yet really, we always have. There just wasn’t a constant stream of noise reminding us of this from one moment to the next. Yet, we need to remember that we have choice. We get to choose how and when we expose ourselves to information.

Staying present when fear and uncertainty arrives is an ongoing practice, but by allowing ourselves to feel our fear, acknowledge it and move it through us, we can open ourselves back up to the healthy and welcome feelings of trust, gratitude and joy.

photo credit: Chris Ensey

What about you? Are there any changes you’d like to make? Tips, tools or tricks you have to share? Please reply here or over on the Facebook Page

Feed Your Body and Soul

Do you ever have those days where you’ve got tons to do and feeding yourself ends up at the bottom of the list?

Or the better question may be – do you ever NOT have those days?

To show up as my best self and take care of everyone else, I know I have to make sure I’m eating, and often when I’m on the run, there are not a lot of great choices.

That’s why, when my nutritionist introduced me to these amazing no-bake protein bites, I was so excited!

The recipe is super easy, gluten-free, and packed with protein. I took a batch to my daughter’s ski race last weekend and they were gobbled right up!

Here’s a video I made a while back to show how I make them –

Don’t mind me licking my fingers as I cook!!!!

If you have a favorite go-to healthy recipe, I’d love to hear about it! Please share in the comment section below!